Friday, March 16, 2007

Family Guy Clips

Karl Rove

Valerie Plame Speaks

Valerie Plame spoke to Congress today about the leaking of her name by the White House. Plame accuses the White House of leaking her identity as a CIA operative. Earlier this month Libby was found guilty for his involvement with this case. When asked how Plame felt about the whole ordeal she responded, "I felt like I had been hit in the gut."

Damn straight she was hit in the gut. When assholes in the White House think it is perfectly fine to leak info about Valerie just because they don't like her husband is complete and utter bullshit. Smells like Karl Rove to me. If we have learned anything from this it is every government agency is becoming too political. The CIA is supposed to be used to protect America not help current administrations gain political standing. Such acts not only hurts our intelligence department, but damages any credibility our nation might have with its citizens and other nations. This makes me wonder why in the hell should we have the Patriot Act when Bush's cronies will use any info they get not to protect our country, but to gain political power for the Republican Party. Thank god there is only 675 days left of this administration.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Glimpse From The Past

Would you want this to run our country? Contract With America didn't work the first time and it won't work this time in 2008.

Newt Admits He Is A Whore

Newt Gingrich confessed to James Dobson (a conservative preacher)that he was screwing around at the same time Clinton was being impeached. The only difference is Newt isn't a bad guy because he wasn't lying about jumping on top of a young lady. I bet if Gingrich was asked if he was a cheating slut he would have done the same as Willy.

Nevertheless, Newt makes the confession so that it will not bite him in the ass when he declares his bid for the White House. I am sure all of the conservative wackos will support him because he agrees with their political views, despite the fact he fails all of their ethical standards. Examples: Divorcing his first wife and telling her about it just after she was recovering from cancer, leaving his second wife for the young congressional aid who he was having an affair with and eventually married.

Personally I don't give a damn if a politican boinks a dozen women at once, but if christian conservatives vote for him they are all hypocrites