Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christopher Walken for President

It is not a new phenomenon having actors running for political office, but Christopher Walken for 2008 is this for real? The answer is yes. I think he is a great actor at least when he is on Saturday Night Live, but to make a run for the White House is another story. However he can't be any worse then the current man sitting in the oval office. However, if Walken thinks he has any chance he better start working on a bigger grass roots campaign. With only having offices in New York, Alabama, Florida, California, Washington, and Colorado he will need a lot more support to make any impression with this election. Oh, and by the way Walken is not affiliated with any party. Is this good or bad? If a billionaire like Perot couldn't get elected is it possible that a semi-famous actor will do any better?

Check out Walken's website.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Tiger Woods Scores More Than A Hole In One

Congratulations is in order for Tiger Woods and his wife Elin Nordegren of Sweden who are expecting their first baby this summer. Tiger apparently scores more than a hole in one on and off the golf course. See Tiger Woods website for more info. Oh Happy 31st B-day Tiger!

Ford Speaks Fondly of President Bush

Former President Ford disagreed with invading Iraq. Check out the article on MSNBC

Saddam Plays My Favorite Game HANGMAN!

Well as everyone knows, Saddam was hanged. I don't know if executing him will make the world a better place, but it is probably justifiable considering the tyrant killed thousands if not millions of Iraqi civilians.

See MSNBC for footage.

If you want to see cell phone camera footage of Saddam check out

If you want to see the complete execution on a cell phone check out Google Video

Friday, December 29, 2006

Frederick Miller's Classic Chocolate Lager

Not exactly a winner in my book. This particular lager tastes more like watered down coffee then sweet chocolate. I can handle one but anymore would ruin the good name of Miller.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Edwards for President

Clinton, Obama, or Edwards who do you think will be the next Democratic candidate for president? John Edwards is certainly not withholding his intentions to the public that he is running in 2008 unlike Obama and Clinton. John Edwards announced today that he is running for president in 2008. He noted that the next president must restore America's leadership in the world. A nice concept, yet with the damage the current president has done will make the task unrealistic if not impossible. If possible, it may be difficult for Edwards to accomplish the objective.

Edwards listed five priorities he would like to tackle if elected president. One of his objectives is securing health care for every American. If he thinks this is a reality he better seek advice from Massachusetts.

Even though I do not think Edwards is a strong candidate as of today, the election is just beginning and John may end up gaining the support he surely needs if he wants to beat the popularity of Obama and Clinton.