Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gonzales Hits The Chopping Block

Tomorrow will be an important day for the Attorney General. Gonzales is going to appear in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee to answer questions regarding the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys last year. Gonzales better choose his answers carefully and not further embedded himself in the lies such as when he said he had no part in the firing of the eight U.S. Attorneys. I hope Sen. Charles Schumer rips him a new asshole making Gonzales accountable for his actions. I thought former U.S. Attorney Ashcroft was worthless (remember he lost his senate seat to a dead guy)but Bush's buddy may take the cake.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech Killings

My only thought on today's horrific event that took place at Virginia Tech is that at times like this blind faith in God and life after death is needed more than ever.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Cheney Thinks Dems Are Whimps

DICKhead Cheney thinks the Democrats will puss out and will pass a bill that will have no time constraints for troop withdrawal. I hope this friend shooting S.O.B. is wrong. Backing down on partisan beliefs now is a sign of weakness for both parties. The only difference is the Democrats are correct and Bush doesn't know what the hell he is doing. The only problem that will arise with this bill is the veto. I doubt the Dems will have enough votes to overturn a veto.