Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hillary Clinton For President!!!!!!

And now the race begins! The front runner for the Democratic Party has finally made her announcement that she has started an exploratory committee. The Democratic primary is bound for entertainment, excitement, and quite possibly a new leader of the free world. As of now, we have Sen. Hillary Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama, and possibly Gov. of New Mexico Bill Richardson running for the White House. If any one of these highly visible politicians were elected to President, our nation would be breaking new ground by having either the first woman, African-American, or Latino as president.

I ask the same question previous presidents have asked, "Are you better off now then you were six years ago?" Although the country has seen tremendous obstacles in the last six years specifically 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, I believe we as a nation have taken the wrong path to prosperity. The economy is worse since Bill Clinton left office, the world's view on America is at an all time low, the nation is running up the largest deficit in our history, the American people have been lied to constantly by officials in Washington, etc.

It's time for change. Apparently the Republicans with George Bush running the show could not manage the job of president. If we want someone to make a positive difference in this nation it is time to throw out the old and start with a fresh perspective, someone like Hillary Clinton. You go girl!

Check out Clinton's website

Video of Clinton's Announcement

Friday, January 19, 2007

Ney Goes To Jail

Former Ohio Republican Representative Bob New was sentenced to 30 months in jail and to pay a $6,000 fine. Ney pleaded guilty to his involvement with Jack Abramoff. Bob Ney admitted to accepting expensive trips, meals, campaign donations for political favors. Ney blames his wrong doing because of his addition to alcohol. This maybe partially true, yet I think he was more addicted to the perks of being a high public official who could be treated like a king because of his position in the Federal government.

Is 30 months in jail that great of a punishment? Considering he knew what he was doing was wrong and that he disappointed many of his constituents I think this punishment could have been harsher. Ney's constituents are still getting screwed. Taxpayers are still going to be paying Ney's pension. Ney goes to jail and is still making good money off of the public. Now that should be considered a crime in itself.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Lindsay Lohan The Drunk

Lindsay Lohan finally admits she is a alcoholic. Well she might not have exactly said she was a worthless drunk, but she has admitted herself to into Rehab. It's about time. I thought she was on a path of Britney Spears and would soon be showing the world what exists below her belt.

In a statement issued Wednesday through her publicist Lohan said, "I have made a proactive decision to take care of my personal health. I appreciate your well wishes and ask that you please respect my privacy at this time." Considering she has been accused of being a drunk for over a year is this really a proactive decision. Maybe she considers it proactive since she isn't 21 yet. This is just another case of who the hell cares. I don't, but perhaps I will get a few hits on my blog since I am writing about a favorite in the media.

If you want to listen to a song about Lindsey check this site.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Gas Prices May Rise

What happens when you mix two countries that share a common bond, a bond of hatred towards the United States? Well, my prediction is the rise in gas prices. Two OPEC countries who do not have fuzzy warm feelings towards the U.S. are promising to work together to combat the global influence of the United States. Iran and Venezuela President's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez met on Saturday to discuss their relationship with each other. Supposedly, the two countries are going to spend billions of dollars in other countries to dimish America'a influence.

By having two countries that are not exactly fond of the United States may indicate an decrease in oil production and an increase in fuel prices. Reasons like this is why our dependency on foreign fuel is going to hurt the nation and economy. If we do not make an effort to find alternative fuels we are in a world of trouble.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Big Brother Checks Your Bank Account

It turns out the U.S. Gov't has the power to check American's bank records if they are suspected of terrorism or espionage. I can't say this is a big surprise but it doens't exactly make me feel any safer either. Check out the article on at CNN