Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Minimum Wage May Stay The Same

Well it was a nice thought the Democrats had of increasing minimum wage from the low $5.15 an hour to the whopping $7.25 over the next 26 months. The effort to pass an already approved bill from the House in the Senate failed 54-43. This was due to the fact that the bill did not have any tax breaks for restaurants and other small businesses that like to pay their employees practically nothing.

If the Democrats offer tax break incentives in the bill then it is possible that the bill will pass through the Congress. The problem I can't figure out is it has been 10 years since minimum wage has increased, yet I doubt it has been 10 years since small businesses has received a tax break.


Anonymous said...

Yur gramer suks, next tym reed threw yur sentincis out loud.

your spelling seems to be impecc impecab impeccable tho! HA i can spell as well.

Monday Night Football said...

If I was grammatically correct in all avenues of life I would shoot myself. Blogging is for fun. It takes practice to become perfect. If I was paid to blog I might be more inclined to enhance my writing skills. Give me time California Grammar Cop, I will improve. I promise!

Anonymous said...

You are paid to blog.....You receieve revenue from the companies who have ads on your site, for traffic to their websites, via your website. O_o

Anonymous said...

I have made less than a dollar. I wouldn't consider this money in the pockets.......