Monday, February 19, 2007

Iraq War Is Just Like The Revolutionary War

"Today, we're fighting a new war to defend our liberty and our people and our way of life." George W. Bush was comparing the Iraq War with the Revolutionary War and the hardships that George Washington went through as the first president.

All I can say is 701. No I am not talking about North Dakota's area code. I am referrig to the number of days before George W. Bush is kicked out of office.


Eric J. Burton said...

You must not be a bush fan?
I am Republican but I think we can do better than bush.

Monday Night Football said...

You got that right. I am liberal on many issues, yet very conservative on others. At this point in time I lean Democratic, but if we can get an intelligent Republican to run for office I might sway more to the middle if not to the right on the political spectrum.

Eric J. Burton said...

I can't vote for a democrat. There is no way I would vote for any of the democratic candidates except maybe for Bill Richardson. Obama, too liberal, too many unknowns, don't trust him. Hillary, one word explains her. Edwards, transparent, too liberal, too fake. Kucenich (sp), the guy has a hot wife, way too liberal, but he seems sincere.