Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Wearing Diapers For Love

Would you travel 900 miles and wear diapers so that you wouldn't have to make as many pit stops? I know astronauts wear diapers when they are taking off and landing, but when you are not in the shuttle what the hell are you thinking Lisa Nowak?

I am glad to see that a Navy captain is dumb enough to possibly try and kill Air Force Captain Colleen Shipman and can still be set free on bail because after all she is one of the few who can call themselves an astronauts. What in the hell is our judicial system turning into these days? I don't care if you are the president if you try to kill a fellow military officer you should stay in jail or at least be put under house arrest.

It's amazing what a woman will do for love. Sure Navy Cmdr. Bill Oefelein was seeing two women at the same time, which might not be smart but certainly not illegal unlike attempt of murder. I guess Lisa Nowak couldn't get enough of riding only one type of rocket. Riding in one must not be as fun as riding on one. The worst part other than the nut case may have tried to kill someone is the simple fact that she is married. Reports state that Nowak and her husband of 19 years recently separated a few weeks ago. Do you think they split up because she is psycho or maybe she was screwing someone else. Either way, I hope NASA screens their future astronauts more closely.

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