Thursday, March 29, 2007

Senate Passes War Spending Bill

Hot Damn! The House and the Senate voted on the war spending bill, which narrowly passed through the legislature. Bush complains that the Democrats are unwilling to fund the troops with this bill. I don't see how $122 billion is not funding our brave men and women in Iraq. Bush will likely veto the bill because of the troop withdrawal concept.

"We stand united in saying loud and clear that when we've got a troop in harm's way, we expect that troop to be fully funded," Bush bellowed, "and we got commanders making tough decisions on the ground, we expect there to be no strings on our commanders." Did Bush forget about checks and balances? No strings attached would be a political nightmare and cause a government shutdown. I think the bill which was passed would however meet the needs of the commanders by fully funding the war efforts.

Bushy stated, "We expect the Congress to be wise about how they spend the people's money." Considering Bush asked for the money, why is approving $122 billion unwise?
Bush is basically pissed that his party lost the midterm election, doesn't have complete reign over the federal government anymore, and can't do as he pleases like before. This is because America has spoken, we are sick of lies and worthless foreign policy lead by the Bush Administration. Bush doesn't have a 28 percent approval rating because he is doing a fantastic job. I can understand the Republicans idea that having a set deadline to leave the sandbox is idiotic because it gives the terrorists an advantage. However, I don't think this is the point the Democrats are trying to make. The main objective is letting Bush know there is no reason to believe that we can take control of Iraq, it is an endless war, which America started (America being Bush and his worthless cronies). Why have more Americans die when there is no end in site?

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