Monday, January 15, 2007

Gas Prices May Rise

What happens when you mix two countries that share a common bond, a bond of hatred towards the United States? Well, my prediction is the rise in gas prices. Two OPEC countries who do not have fuzzy warm feelings towards the U.S. are promising to work together to combat the global influence of the United States. Iran and Venezuela President's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez met on Saturday to discuss their relationship with each other. Supposedly, the two countries are going to spend billions of dollars in other countries to dimish America'a influence.

By having two countries that are not exactly fond of the United States may indicate an decrease in oil production and an increase in fuel prices. Reasons like this is why our dependency on foreign fuel is going to hurt the nation and economy. If we do not make an effort to find alternative fuels we are in a world of trouble.

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