Sunday, February 11, 2007

Rudy Giuliani Earns Endorsement

"Today I’m announcing my endorsement for Rudy Giuliani for President of the United States. I really have taken a lot of time and really thought about who I would be supporting and working for during this presidential campaign......" Quote from Congresswoman Candice Miller (R-MI)

This is an idiotic statement to make so early in the campaign. It's bad enough all of the candidates are starting their campaigns right now, but to have a Congresswoman give her endorsement at this time is moronic. I would like to know what Miller considers a lot of time when deciding on who she should endorse. She hasn't heard any of his viewpoints let alone other candidates. I don't expect Miller to vote for a Democrat, but at least look at all of the Republican Candidates before you make an endorsement. It is far too early to make an endorsement. Public opinion will surely change from now until the primary election. If Miller is this quick to make decisions for endorsements I can only imagine what her voting record is like in Washington. Typical Republican, acting on impulse instead of thought.

Cross Posted Evil Bobby